Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Caribbean Literature

The evolution of Caribbean Literature started centuries before the Europeans graced these shores and continues to develop today. Quite noticeably, it developed in a manner which transcended all language barriers and cultures. Today the languages of the Caribbean are rooted in that of the colonial powers – France, Britain, Spain and Holland – whose historical encounters are quite evident throughout the region.The cosmopolitan nature of the region's language and cultural diversity develop from the mixture of European languages with Native American languages (mainly the Caribs and Arawaks) in the formation of creoles and local patois (hybrid languages) and those of Africans brought to the Caribbean as slaves, not withstanding the contributions of Asians mainly from India and China, and Middle Easterners. The fabric of Caribbean Literature is woven with the historical issues of enslavement and forced migration, the related themes of home and exile, and colonialism and decol onization.The social and cultural themes of tradition, landscape, culture and community are also encompassed by Caribbean Literature. It also addresses such universal questions as identity, sexuality, family life, pain, joy, and the uses of the imagination. It is virtually impossible to keep Caribbean Literature only within the confines of writings produced within the Caribbean Islands. Caribbean Literature also transcends the borders of Central and South America extending to the shores of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana; and coastal areas of Colombia, Nicaragua, Belize and Honduras.Evidence of aspects of Caribbean Literature can also be seen in literary works produced in various areas of the USA including Miami and New Orleans. Works of Caribbean Literature have also been produced by people of Caribbean ancestry who live primarily in Europe and major urban centers of the United States. ORAL LITERATURE Oral literature can be considered as the earliest form of Caribbean Literature co nsisting mainly of rich folk- tale traditions, legends andmyths, songs and poetry. Today this legacy is resplendent in popular music such as the CALYPSO, the Cuban SON, and the Puerto Rican BOMBA; in the traditions of storytelling originating out of West Africa and India; and in supernatural tales from African religions, including SANTERIA, LUCUMI,VODUN (vodoo), and SHANGO. Proverbs, riddles, and sayings that reinterpret African, European, and East Indian traditions are also most prominent in Caribbean literature.Among these are Anancy (a cunning spider) stories; animal dilema tales, which typically teach a moral lesson; stories of village life or evil women; tall tales; and rhetorical flourishes, such as boasting, toasts, and speeches. PRE AND POST INDEPENDENCE LITERARY WORKS Autobiography and poetry were the most prevalent literary works from the 16th century to the mid – 19th century. In these works were introduced themes that became common in Caribbean literature; exile, migration, displacement and questions of identity.The history of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, (Related by Herself), is the most prominent of these writings in English. Early Caribbean writings in Spanish saw that of the autobiography of the slave Juan Francisco Manzano of Cuba in the 1820's and 1830's, Jose Maria Herida Placido ( a slave who was executed in1844 for his role in a slave uprising) and the Cuban anthropologist Miguel Barnet. Max Urena of the Dominican Republic produced nationalist works in the 19th century. The French speaking Caribbean saw works by Emeric Bergeaud and Desmevar Delorme.Distinct national literary traditions began in the 20thcentury because few Caribbean countries gained their independence before this period. Twentieth century Caribbean literature can be divided into three periods: the first thirty years during colonial rule; the years just prior to independence between the 1940's and 1960's or later, and the period after independence. During the fle dgling years (1930's) a movement celebrating African culture and values rose to prominence. The movement originated in France and was called NEGRITUDE.However, its founders include Leon Gontran Damas of French Guiana and Aime Cesaire of Martinique. Rene Maran of Martinique won the Prix Goncourt (a French literary prize) with the novel Batouala (1921) which called for identification with black culture. In the Spanish – speaking Caribbean African themes were presented in a most exotic manner, highlighting African and black identity for artistic inspiration. Prominent writers in this movement include Luis Pales Matos from Puerto Rico and Emillo Ballagas from Cuba.The works of Cuban poet Nicolas Guillen from the 1930's share sentiments with the politics of NEGRITUDE and address issues surrounding the struggle against colonialism. Alejo Carpentier, also of Cuba, achieved recognition with his novels in which he explores the history and sources of Caribbean culture. The English â₠¬â€œ speaking Caribbean abounds with prominent writers including Jamaican novelist Tom Redcam (Thomas Macdermot), Claude Mckay, Jamaican born poet, and perhaps the best known writer of this generation internationally.Mckay later became one of the leading writers of Harlem Renaissance, a flowering black culture in New York in the 1920's and 1930's. Other writers who rose to prominence during this period are C. L. R. James of Trinidad, whose works protest against colonialism and help to define the anticolonial political and cultural struggles of his time. He was also instrumental in the formation of the literary magazines Trinidad (founded 1929) and the Beacon founded (1931); these publications were instrumental in the development of a Caribbean literary tradition.Alfred Mendes and Ralph de Boissiere (Trinidadians) both contributed articles and poetry to the magazines. PRE – INDEPENDENCE RENAISSANCE This period saw the emergence of a generation of writers whose works sought aft er liberation and presented a distinctive portrait of Caribbean culture. The Jamaican Vic Reid, looks forward to a â€Å"new day† of independence with his novel New Day (1949); the displaced, downtrodden, urban population of the Caribbean is portrayed by Roger Mais also of Jamaica.He also experiments with jazz rhythms in his language, while Una Mason, a Jamaican poet uses blues rhythm in her poetry collections. A vivid portrait of Guyana's countryside and society is presented by Edgar Mittleholzer in his novel A Morning At The Office (1950). On the other hand, one of the first and most important Caribbean works dealing with childhood and coming of age in a colonial context was produced by George Lamming, from Barbados, in the novel â€Å"In The Castle Of My Skin† (1953).This novel focuses on the struggles of three young boys with poverty, a colonial education, social change and the forging of an identity; hovering in the background is the promise of migration to the me tropolitan centers. The mythology of Native Americans and Africans is emphasized in Wilson Harris's novel Palace of the Peacock (1960), while Martin Carter's Poems of Resistance seek liberation from colonial rule. During this period a number of female writers were also very active. Beryl Gilroy of Guyana wrote novels, children's stories, and an autobiography.Sylvia Wynter of Jamaica incorporates elements of folk culture into her work. From Dominica, Phyllis Shand Allfrey won recognition for her analysis of colonial power in her work, while Jean Rhys received critical acclaim for novels about women caught in situations they are unable to change. POST INDEPENDENCE This period saw the emergence of poets from the English – speaking Caribbean; Derek Walcott from Saint Lucia is perhaps the best-known Caribbean writer internationally. In 1992 he won the Nobel Prize for literature. In addition to poetry, Walcott is well known as a playwright.At the same time Eduard Kamau Brathwaite c hallenged the formal structures of European poetry by adopting the rhythms, references, and language of the African and Afro- Caribbean traditions. Brathwaite broadened the possible use of language in his works for a number of subsequent writers, including Jamaican oral poets Mutabaruka, Linton Quesi Johnson, and John Binta Breeze. Earl Lovelace and V. S. Naipaul count among other noted English – language writers born in Trinidad and Tobago. Naipaul received recognition for novels that focus on East Indians living in the Caribbean.Lovelace whose works won a Commonwealth prize wrote on issues of poverty, education, and village life. The French – speaking Caribbean saw prominent contemporary writers in Daniel Maxim of Guadeloupe and Edouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau of Martinique. Chamoiseau explores issues of black identity, and creole cultural identity. The latter was produced along with Jean Bernabe and Rafael Confiant. Chamoiseau won the Pri Goncourt for his no vel Texaco (1929). Noted female writers are Maryse Conde of Guadeloupe who is considered a significant voice among female writers, having won several French prizes for her literary work.Simone Schwarz -Bart, also of Guadeloupe, writes of the search for identity while Nancy Morejon of Cuba is recognized as a leading poetic voice. Her collection entitled Cuaderno de Granada 1984 (Grenada Notebook, 1984) honors those who participated in Grenada's socialist revolution in 1983. Caribbean writers have impacted greatly on the international arena and have gained worldwide recognition for their numerous works. Literary critics are also recognizing the Caribbean roots of some African American writers who are explicit about their Caribbean parentage

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dementia Essay

I work in a mix residential home for the elderly, some of the clients, Dementia range from mild to severe. The clients are raised in a very different way to how I was raised and it is important that I must remember this and respect their this as we all have personal beliefs and preferences based on our background and upbringing. I have been brought as a Muslim where religious education was compulsory, however we still studied various other religions and were taught to respect all people and there beliefs. Prayers were a daily thing at the end of each assembly and whether or not I wanted to pat attention to the prayer time again I had to respect the people that did. Religion may affect people in many different ways, mainly because we all come from different backgrounds and are taught differently. However, it is important to respect how people honor their religion. I am an atheist however I still make time to talk to my clients about their religion even though my own beliefs it is not some thing that I choose to do as I know it makes the client happy it makes me happy to do this as I know it is some thing that they feel so strongly in and it is amazing at how much I really now look forward talking about it. It is part and parcel of the work that I do and part of showing the clients that we care about what makes them happy and respect their beliefs even if ours are different. It is important to remember that my own personal preferences are different to others and I can’t expect others to think, act and feel the same way as I do. For example I like to shower daily and some times twice daily, some of my clients do not like water and some really do not like showers or baths I have to respect there decision if they prefer not to have one and explain if possible that it is in, religion to smell nice and clean if they ignore this is in religion only but what they have to understand its nature to try and stay clean.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business strategy - Essay Example Additionally, Microsoft has launched a program of developing tools of advancing productivity (Hachman 20). The objectives of these tools include improving the development, design, and debugging as well as testing software. An ambitious project of bringing graphics to life is aimed at creating pictures in real time and that look real to the natural environment. The R&D of Microsoft seems to be consistent with the core foundation and aims of the company to remain as the world’s leading software company provider. Technology has become a key component to the performance of Microsoft. Technology is defined as the making and usage of tools, systems, crafts, and techniques in order to solve a given problem. Through technology, the performance of a corporate can be measured by using various tools and devices. For instance, a decision support system is useful in collecting data from various internal sources such as data ware houses, databases, and data marts to model possible characteristics. Additionally, technology has enabled the formation of tools that enhances Microsoft to plan effectively in terms of resources (Hachman 21). An enterprise resources system in particular, is effective in helping corporate managers to have a consolidated view of all is taking place in their organizations. As part of the mission and strategy of Microsoft, the mix of basic, applied, and engineering research proves to a resourceful model. Basic research has become the foundation upon which Microsoft has based its decisions on what to do next. Consistent with bring a valuable technology to its customers; the company has consistently utilized applied research in order to prove the efficacy of its invention. On the other hand, engineering research has become valuable in inventing some of the latest technologies that have put Microsoft ahead of other companies in the market. Competitive advantage of a company is gained through a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to the global economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Introduction to the global economy - Essay Example The WTO greements ssist the ctivities of trnsntionl enterprises, the principl plyers in globliztion, nd the Uruguy Round confirmed this liberliztion. From the Genev Round in 1947 to tht of the Uruguy Round in 1986-1994, the level of triffs pplied to industril products hs fllen from 40 per cent to 3.8 per cent, nd the reduced triffs tht hve been consolidted hve fcilitted the estblishment of trnsntionl economy. In the following pper I will further discuss the importnt of GTT nd WOT for interntionl trde. The nlysis will include historicl bckground of orgniztions followed by explntion of GTT replced by WTO nd generl results of such trnsformtion nd concluded by the short nd long term consequences of WTO's running. The GTT hs been clled "remrkble success history of post-wr interntionl orgniztion tht ws never intended to become one" (Grhm, 1983: 124). It strted out in 1947 s set of rules to ensure nondiscrimintion, trnsprent procedures, the settlement of disputes nd the prticiption of the lesser-developed countries in interntionl trde. To increse trde, GTT used triffs concessions, through which member countries greed to limit the level of triffs they would impose on imports from other GTT members. n importnt tool is the Most-Fvored Ntion (MFN) cluse, which clls for ech member country to grnt every other member country the sme most fvorble tretment tht it ccords to ny other country with respect to imports nd exports. (Brber, 1982: 9). MFN, in effect, provides for equl, rther thn specil, tretment. The GTT ws built on severl principles: 1. The Most Fvoured Ntion (MFN) cluse, which ensures non-discrimintory tretment. This principle, ccording to which ll dvntges, fvours, privileges or immunities grnted by one contrcting prty to product originting from or destined for ny other country shll, immeditely nd unconditionlly, be extended for the sme tretment to ny similr product originting or destined for the territory of ll other contrcting prties promotes the cuse of liberliztion. This principle reduced the trnsction costs of the negotitions for the members. ll countries hving n interest in product nd seeking to improve ccess to it in n exporting country nd hving negotited this concession, must ccord the sme to every other country. 2. The second principle of this system is tht of ntionl tretment nd is intended to complement the MFN cluse. It stipultes tht every imported product fter pyment of the customs duties must not receive less fvourble tretment thn locl product. Ech member stte is obliged to tret locl nd imported products in the sme wy. 3. The third principle is tht of trnsprency. The Mrrkesh greements reinforce trnsprency by djusting notifiction nd informtion procedures. ll lws nd regultions must be published, in order to enble other members to consult them nd ensure tht they conform to the previling legl texts in force. Trnsprency is lso the im of the review mechnism of trde policies. This enbles WTO members to exmine the implementtion of the trde policy of member stte or group of countries within regionl greement. It gives more trnsprency to trde policies. t present, the trde policies of the four biggest exporters - the United Sttes, the Europen Union, Jpn nd Cnd - re exmined every two yers, those of the sixteen other lrgest exporters every four yers, nd those of developing countries every six

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Market Failure Resarch Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Market Failure Resarch - Research Paper Example It is the duty of the government to intervene and make sure that prices set are not discriminative. Government intervention in the price mechanism is largely based on aims of wanting to alter or change the allocation of resources and attain what they think to be an improvement social and economic welfare. Therefore, government intervenes in the economy with the aim of influencing the allocation of scarce resources on the market among competing consumers. The government formulates policy intervention with the aims to improve the performance of the economy, attain more equitable distribution of income, and correct market failure. There are various alternatives in which the government can use to intervene in market. For instance, government legislation and regulation whereby it passes laws that prohibit the sale of certain goods such as cigarettes to people under the age of eighteen. Furthermore, competition laws works against cartels that are used to price fixing. In addition, it can use fiscal policy intervention to alter the level of demand for distinct products in the market. Government intervention has always created inequity in society in that certain groups gain more than the others do. For instance, it is equitable for the government to provide educational maintenance allowances for 16-18 children from low-income households for them to stay in school after GCSE. It is vital to note that government intervention in the market will never be neutral. For instance, financial support offered by the State to specific producers rather than others creates unequal society in that there are winners and

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Emerald Forest by John Boorman Movie Review

The Emerald Forest by John Boorman - Movie Review Example Apart from the difference in the authority structures of these two societies, their entire life styles and cultures are different. Western modern society is developed and advanced in terms of technology and uses machine guns and weapons to fight, aero planes to travel and other machines to cut off forests and clear the land for construction, whereas the invisible people do not have much use of technology as they use arrows and spears to fight and travel by walking long distances (â€Å"Proyect†). As wanadi says, â€Å"When I was a boy, the edges of the world was very far away, but it comes closer each year.† It means that western world is growing in technology and now travelling across the entire world to reach far off places have become easy and fast. However, as technology is enhancing it is destroying the natural environment more (â€Å"The Emerald Forest†). Air pollution from the aero planes, cars etc have increased resulting in various diseases affecting our respiratory systems when we inhale the oxygen present in the air. Also the modern guns and weapons have resulted in the increasing demolition of mankind who are killed in massacres. The machines used to clear off forests have destroyed the beauty of the world and the indigenous livelihood (â€Å"The Emerald Forest†). The natural resources are being depleted with the adoption of new technology. This is the reason that the people of the western world were called to be Termite as they cut down big trees and destroy the real world which is in forests (â€Å"The Emerald Forest†). The invisible people are loving, caring, innocent people who calls the forest as their world, who keeps to themselves, away from western society and just want... Both the traditional culture and the culture of the western American societies have their own good and bad points but in my view, the culture of the invisible people is far better than that of the westerners. The reason is that the invisible people were good hearted, loving humans who were satisfied with their lives and were happily living with their people in their world. Their culture satisfies all their humanly needs like physiological needs of food, water, sex etc, the safety needs by providing them shelter, resources to survive, health, their emotional needs by providing family, love, and by giving a sense of community in which people can depend upon each other in time of their need, their esteem needs i.e. their culture teaches them how to respect others and confidence and finally the highest level of human need that is self-actualization by providing them problem-solving capabilities and morality. The traditional culture promotes spirituality and the feeling of community which makes them selfless people who unlike the westerners do not tear apart nature and others feel for their own needs or motives. This view is further supported by Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Emile Durkheim who also views modern society as a misery in which people are unhappy and never fully satisfied. Even though they all have the same conclusion, they have different reasons for their views. According to Karl Marx, this misery results from capitalism which divides society into two major groups Bourgeoisie and Proletaria.

Entrepreneurship- Patent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Entrepreneurship- Patent - Essay Example It works a great deal in detecting cases of diabetes to those who show no symptoms towards the disease. Working tirelessly with my colleagues, we have developed a system whereby it would be simply easy to test for diabetes, pre-diabetes or people who have suffer from diabetes complication. The information included therein contains every procedure and the test device used to test for diabetes. In this regard, the information remains intellectual property of the original owners according to US Patent rights. The information contained in the file named under, â€Å"METHODS FOR DETECTING PRE-DIABETES AND DIABETES USING DIFFERENTIAL PROTEIN GLYCOSYLATION†, Application and Publication Number US 13/457,225 & US20120214179 A1 respectively is the property of the inventor. The materials and procedure provide a unique way which has not be invented by any other individual on testing of pre-diabetes which are those likely to have diabetes in future. This is the cutting edge as the owners’ claims exclusive rights towards an improved diabetes testing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Is it right to suggest that Strategies are not worth the Paper they Essay

Is it right to suggest that Strategies are not worth the Paper they are Written On - Essay Example 7 – 8). Strategy innovation that challenges the existing models is the only way for new companies to succeed in the face of competition and enormous resource disadvantages. Without investigating how best to create money, it is unlikely that wealth creation will occur and growth may not necessarily the best way to go for all firms. Although managers may feel that delivering quality at the right price will deliver the desired results, it will be important for them to know how best to do this (Hamel, 1998, Pp. 7 – 8). Even if the competitive environment is changing rapidly, it still makes sense to try to understand the trends to decide how best to take advantage of these. Thus, although a need may exist to reinvent the practice of strategy, it will be wrong to suggest that strategy itself is worthless because deciding about how to achieve an end cannot be useless. Mintzberg (1987, Pp. 25 – 30) suggests that organisations need to set their direction and focus if they are to succeed and even though this idea emerged more than twenty years ago, it is still right today. It is likely that if the grand strategy for an organisation is correct, the performance will be superior compared to the case when no strategy is prepared and performance depends on chance. Although a focus on strategy may blind an organisation to the need for properly managing its operations, without a strategy it will be difficult to have properly focused operations. Strategy presents a focus, which results in a coordination of organisational activity in an attempt to achieve the optimal. Strategy encourages an organisation to appropriately acquire, organise and utilise resources. In addition, strategy... It should be obvious from the discussion presented in the essay that despite the fact that rapid change now presents greater demands on strategy formulation, it will be wrong to suggest that strategies are not worth the paper. However, because information is now readily available, collaboration is far more rapid and the business environment is global with global markets and customers shaping demand, strategy needs leadership, an emphasis on superior processes for formulation, an attention to detail and rigor, participation, inputs from trends and patterns, inputs from organisational learning and experience, optimal implementation and well-considered execution. Without an approach that emphasises the craft in strategy formulation, flawed strategy can present disasters for organisations. Now, strategy is a continuous and never-ending process rather than a one-off plan.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cognitive Behavioral & Reality Theory Case Study

Cognitive Behavioral & Reality Theory - Case Study Example He formulated the concept ‘automatic thoughts’ to define emotional thought processes that may spontaneously occur. iv. Reality theory claims that individuals view the world through their fundamental human needs along with their view of reality. William Glasser describes such fundamental needs as â€Å"belonging, power, freedom, fun, and physiological survival† (Weinstein, 2001, 75). The behavior of individuals is an effort to exercise control over the outside world in order to fulfill their fundamental needs. Glasser thinks that people try to control the outside world or manipulate it based on their inner beliefs of what the world ought to be (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2012). Since people determine and control their own worlds, they have the capacity to change. i. This theory is inappropriate for populations who do not suffer from particular behavioral problem and whose objectives for seeking therapeutic help are to understand the past (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2012). i. The therapist plays the role of a supervisor and mentor. Even though REBT counselors are able to form trusting, open-minded relationships with patients, REBT is an instructive model. Therapists promote modifications in thought processes, identify and explain irrational ideas, exercise logic to convince, and determine the unhelpful outcomes of irrational thoughts (Weinstein, 2001, 76). ii. REBT counselors give lessons, activities, and assignments for exercising new cognitive patterns. Essentially, REBT is an instructive or educational model with the objective of reforming cognitive processes; when individuals think differently they act or behave differently (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2012). iii. Reality therapists assume a collaborative function rooted in trust. They work as a mentor, director, observer, and adviser. Reality therapists recognize that every behavior is a truthful effort to fulfill needs, but

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Terrorism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Terrorism - Coursework Example Iran, Syria and Libya are together considered to be the main backbone of Middle East terror (Charles, 1986a). And the Islamic fundamentalists, pro-Syrian nationalists and Palestinian extremists carry out the lead roles (Charles, 1986a). The objective of these groups is not peace with Israel but peace with no Israel (Charles, 1986a). Terrorism would outlive peace not only due to the Arab-Israeli dispute but for two other reasons of instability, war and murder (Charles, 1986b). The idea of anti-Western, anti-modern and anti-secularist movement in the Islamic world, specially Iran exhibits a serious threat (Charles, 1986b). The only way left for achieving some lasting peace in the Middle East is a steady, unwavering application of all forms of pressure against terrorists and their more easily found sponsors (Charles, 1986c). It calls for the use of every available means to hunt down today’s machine gunners and deter tomorrow’s (Charles, 1986c). Hezbollah, also known as Hizbullah or Hizballah is a religious organization whose only mission is to terrorize and assassinate non-Muslims, chiefly Americans and Jews (Hizballah, 2007). OPEC provides the financial backing to this millions of militants association founded and supervised by Shiite Islamic clerics in Iran (Hizballah, 2007). Islamic Jihad is a Hizballah alias whereas Hamas is a Hizballah ally (Hizballah, 2007). While Hezbollah’s objective like the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is the complete liberation of Mandate Palestine while Hamas are ready to accept a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (Hizballah, 2007). From a theological aspect, the literature and the statements of Hamas and Islamic Jihad do not talk about jihad as a religious concept to the same extent as that created by Hezbollah (Hizballah, 2007). While the marjiiyya (frame of reference) of Hamas follows the global Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Jihad is deeply influ enced by the marjiiyya of Iran, the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dominos Pizza Essay Example for Free

Dominos Pizza Essay Domino’s Pizza experienced a decrease in revenue of 16. 3% from year-end 2005 through the year-end 2009. It is true that the economic recession was partly at blame. However, the enterprise suffered from a negative reputation in the marketplace. Domino’s Pizza delivered pizzas that did not quite meet the demands of consumer taste. Their costumers would use social media to protest the ill delivery of pizzas and terrible taste. In addition, consumers were now more educated about their eating habits and had a growing concern with diets that led to obesity. Moreover, these facts combined with competition including companies such as Pizza Hut and Papa John’s, posed a hostile environment for Domino’s Pizza. In order to overcome these pitfalls, Domino’s pizza not only introduced a new recipe but also launched one of the riskiest advertising campaigns to this day. The recipe was a reinvention of their pizza with new ingredients that improved flavor. The advertising campaign oh yes we did guaranteed customer satisfaction otherwise they would return their money and deliver another pizza free. Another aspect of this marvelous campaign was the use of real life costumers who participated in the making of the pizza in televised commercials. Here is a comparison between pre-2009 strategies with its new approach. And, some qualities that were engaged to implement the revised strategies. Pre-2009 ?Dominos was focused on producing pizza for as cheap as possible. ?Cost leader ?8. 35% of pizzas sold in U. S ?Second behind Pizza Hut 13. 7% ?Bad rep for poor quality pizza ?Worst tasting pizza in its industry ?Market share fell 2% from 2005-2009 Post 2009 ?â€Å"Oh Ye We Did Campaign†? Dominos renewed focus on â€Å" Better ingredients, Better Pizza† and a broader menu. ?Focused on improving taste of its pizza ?Added garlic and butter to crust ?Added new side dishes and desserts ?Match competitors taste ?Expanded overall product choices Leadership ?David Brandon – C. E. O ?Innovate products ?Expand brand scope ?Everything on the menu is heavily tested and demanded by our customer ?All menu items are integrated ?â€Å"Get the door, Its Dominos† – Industry leader in efficiency ?Gathered feedback from employees ?â€Å"whats up dominos? † ?â€Å"Lunch with Dave†? Brandon would learned a lot from his employees ?Unique leadership style ?Always looking to improve even when successful Domino’s sales distribution is both domestic and internationally. The company gets 53 percent of its sales domestically and 47 percent internationally. In 2010, domestic sales were $3. 3 billion and internationally it was $2. 95 billion. Not only did fiscal year 2010 revenues show a healthy return, but cost of sales decreased by 3. 25 percent between fiscal year 2008 and 2010. Domino’s showed a very big decrease in its sales because the consumers were concerned about the quality of the pizza that dominos offered compare to the other companies in the industry. 2005 was the peak of the company where it made the most net income, since then revenues have been declining. Revenue declines aside, due to interest, repurchasing of stock, and other financial implications, after a 65 percent fall from 2006 to 2007, net income increased over the last four years. Domino’s current strategy is working well in the sense of income and revenue wise. The Net income increase was $37. 9 million in 2007, $54. 0 million in 2008, $79. 8 million in 2009, and $87. 9 million in 2010, which is annual increases of 42. 5 percent, 47. 7 percent, and 10. 25 percent respectively. The result of the revenue increase also helped eliminate debt from 2007 to 2010 from when they took a big decrease in sales and popularity from 2006 to 2007. By 2010, Domino’s became the leading pizza company in the industry; it had higher revenue and a higher net income than the leading Papa Johns. On the other hand, Dominos is only leading in revenue because it has more locations than the other pizza stores do. Compared to Papa Johns in 2010, Dominos has 9300 stores worldwide, while Papa John’s has only half of that with 3,600 worldwide. Dominos generates $170,000 per store and Papa John’s generates $313,000 per store. Dominos needs to focus on creating more revenue per store so they can provide better value to their shareholders. Taking on a better strategic approach by introducing new items to the menu and increasing the quality of the pizza did help the company get back on track from when it took the fall in 2007. The most recent year 2014, revenues almost doubled than it did in 2013 with a revenue of 589 million in 2014 and 295 million in 2013. Dominos have increased over the last six years in revenues, net income, and Earnings Per Share. Based on these numbers, the company has executed a good strategic plan. We one of most important thing any food establishment should do listen to what their consumers want. They have look into what feedback their consumers are giving them and then have a quick response to consumer’s feedback. A food chain can have all the technology in the world but if they don’t know what their consumers want they will never grow.

Dupont Case Study Essay Example for Free

Dupont Case Study Essay Tom Harris is the General Manager of Dupont, which is the major employer in their community. Big changes had taken place when the Orlon plant had closed down, but few changes had taken place. Projects such as getting rid of one operation and installing another was being seen as regular business so there was no change management rubric. GM Harris went to the University of Virginia seeking advice from the academic community to bring some of the latest thinking in business to the Dupont plant. He specifically wanted to introduce his managers to new ideas and how to apply those ideas to improving to the plant. He stated he was not looking to improve overall organization effectiveness. He stated he was under increasing pressure to do more with less. A general bulletin was sent out to all employees stating the work culture that would be built. It stated that a representative from University of Virginia would be spending time at the plant and had been asked to give new perspectives on the work being done and the organization as whole. The hope was that it would help develop people and continually improve production. The most important goal was to help the staff appreciate and develop what goes right, assist in building on the strengths and to make the plant work better for everyone. It was also made clear that the representatives presense was not to suggest there was a particular problem, and the result is due to the plants desire to continuously improve. Over a six month time period interviews were conducted with workers and managers. Time was spent in the workplace and the representative learned about the day to day activities at the plant. This produced a description of the shared stock of knowledge that organizational members used to interpret events and generate behavior. What was made explicit with that process was the local widely used everyday common sense model performance unique to the plant and it’s atmosphere. A part of the culture that came out of this fact finding was that the local model of teamwork was organized around a southern stock-car racing metaphor. It was used to explain teamwork and the pattern for accomplishing it. Everyone knew the metaphor, so it was understood. The General Manager and the other managers were surprised to learn of the NASCAR metaphor, but it explained why they had not recognized existing teamwork in the workplace for they had different language used for teamwork. This metaphor gave them a language to introduce change for improvement. It also illuminated of the local meaning of effective supervision, high performance, and what constituted a good day at the plant with making improvements. Managers were instructed to use the findings of the study. It was felt the new understanding could be used to interpret the local meaning of effective work to capitalize on strengths, to expand and develop existing good practices. This would also help to problem solve. It was found too that the findings of the study could also be used as a basis for experiements. There existed a Leadership Core Team who were instructed to introduce change as an experiment. It was to be explained that it was to be tried and watched closely, and if after a designated time it was not working as planned, it can be stopped.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Tackling Low Level Disruption in the Classroom

Tackling Low Level Disruption in the Classroom Hina Kamal Adham Introduction: It is a harsh fact that emerging numbers of children in the United Kingdom show disrupting, or expressing behaviour (also referred to as antisocial, challenging, defiant, noncompliant, aggressive, and acting-out behaviour), beyond the infrequent negligible incidents typical of most children throughout the usual progression of their development. Such behaviour has become one of the most unyielding concerns in schools (Bullock, Reilly, Donahue, 1983; Evans Evans, 1985; Hranitz Eddowes, 1990).There are implications when schools fail to prepare for behaviour disorders in secondary schools. Emotional behaviour disorder, aggression, defiance and disruption are most common reasons why students dont do well in school. One of the biggest challenges facing the classroom today is the on-going need to address problem behaviour (Calvin, 2010), according to Cowley(2001) one of the most essential characteristics of a good teacher is the ability to manage good behaviour, so that effective learnin g takes place . This vital aspiration can be generated of learning, if we can get children to focus, to have self-discipline, to behave themselves. In this essay I will discuss low level disruptions (LLD) as classified by Capel (2009) . What are the most effective strategies for combatting low level disruption? The YouGov investigations indicate that pupils are theoretically behind up to an hour of education every day in English schools because of this kind of distraction in classrooms. This is comparable to 38 days of learning lost each year. An enormous number of pupils, therefore, are being denied a major amount of valuable learning time. Typical features of this type of behaviour comprise pupils: talking pointlessly or conversing; calling out without authorization; being sluggish to start work or track rules; presenting an absence of esteem for each other and staff; not bringing the correct apparatus; using mobile devices improperly (Ofsted, 2014). According to Bennett (2011) this is anything that slows down the flow of your lesson without actually blowing it out of the water. School X has a very strict behaviour policy and it is maintained throughout the school, and it was proved during observation of high sets classes that pupils were engaged and there were very minor behaviour problems. However, low level disruption was observed in year 9 bottom set class, which was mostly disrupted by three students and followed by other students. This bottom set class is doing Higher GCSE curriculum, which is very challenging for them and with this LLD in the class on constant basis, will not help them to learn and progress. Therefore, I decided to do my research on this class as it is very important to diffuse this LLD for better learning and teaching[M1]. The strategies I have decided to apply in this class are reminding routines and providing starters as soon as they enter the class, moving around the class and providing worksheets during lesson. Research questions and sub questions: What are the most effective strategies for combatting low level disruption? How can reminding the class routines and starters best be used to engage pupils? How worksheets can help to engage pupils? How moving around the classroom can help pupils to remain on task? Focus: The main focus of this essay will be observing low level disruptive behaviour occurring in classrooms and how this has effect on learning also on the teacher. In addition the importance of this observation is to discover the successful strategies that defuse LLD in classrooms and applying to my own teaching and observe how effective those strategies are during my lesson which can be shared to make future decisions based on data collected during this research. A case study will be formed to examine the approaches I can practise to reduce the level of LLD. This case study will involve around using different strategies to diffuse LLD and see which method is most effective diffusing low level disruption. It is clearly shown that teachers use different ways of handling unacceptable behaviours therefore doing a case study at the ways they handle this to sustain good effective lesson will be done. Also, there will be different types of LLD behaviour which will be considered as well. Information will be gathered by creating questionnaires and focus groups with the students. Observation will be based on year 9 set 4 who I will be teaching, to gather a combination of LLD behaviours that occurs. This will take place using each technique in each lesson so that defined data can be collected and then compared. Observations will be taken by same teacher to avoid biased data. This will be collected using a tally chart which will then be transferred to give pictorial demonstration as graphs and bar charts. Research Plan There are many different approaches that can be employed when collecting data. According to Walliman (2010) data is divided into two categories; qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is grounded on understanding opinion of others, to describe a problem and develop into an approach. Qualitative depends on cautious description of the meaning of words, the progress of concepts and variables and plotting the relationships between these. Concepts such as Peoples judgement, feeling of comfort, emotions, ideas, beliefs etc. can only be described in words. Common data collections used are in-depth interviews, focus groups, literary texts, historical records or observations. Qualitative data rely on human interpretation and evaluation and cannot be objectively measured in a typical way. Checks on consistency and extensiveness of qualitative data can be completed by referring a range of source of data relating to same event, called as triangulation (Walliman, 2010). It is the ins ights rather than statistical perceptions of the world (Bell, 2005). Quantitative research can be measured more precisely because it comprises some form of extent, usually expressed in numbers. Mathematical procedures can be used to analyse the data (Walliman, 2010) and according to Bell (2005) can be used to study the relationship of one set of facts with another. These can be mostly simple such as amounts or percentages or further sophisticated, such as statistical trials or scientific models. Examples of this type of collection are surveys and questionnaires (Walliman,2010). My analysis will be centred on using qualitative and quantitative methodology in order to observe and accumulate data to produce effective conclusion. The investigation will be carried out through the school that I am currently in to observe and gather data for producing the outcomes. The predominant methodology in this research is a blend of case study and action research. Case study surpasses at taking us to knowledge of an intricate matter or object and can spread understanding or add strength to what is previously known through former research. This research is also based on action research, as it is an experiment that if the desirable approach when applied shows any outcome. Action research should be reflected as a way of life in the classroom. As an insightful specialist it can be observed what occurs in the class and then classify a problem that needs to be addressed (Brown, 2015). The key features of action research comprise its combined nature, its open approach to power and teaching in the research practice, and its importance on taking action on a matter. The widespread cooperation between investigators and associates in action research must spread through each phase of investigation, from recognizing the problem to propagating the outcomes (BMJ, 2008). If the conclusions show a change in behaviour in-favour of the research question there is the possibility of offending the current practice of other teachers (Bell and Waters, 2014) Case study will provide useful insightful information about Low level disruption and why it occurs bearing in mind three probable features that may subsidise; beginning of the lesson with class routines reminded and starters; using worksheets in middle of lesson; moving around the class to help students to stay on task. Case studies are advantageous when considering directly at cause and result especially when the investigator has partial control of events that occur during a study (Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2011). After consulting relevant literature, I will then formulate an approach or intervention, which I will carry out in my classroom. Therefore, I will use action research and work with this intervention and I will reflect and reconsider its effectiveness and impact and the cycle can start again. For a practice-based investigation I may go through several sets or complete one set only. The advantage of the action research is that it naturally develops from your teaching pract ice and that it addresses real issues within your classroom. Typical criticism of action researches would be that they are not rigorous or systematic enough. I aim to produce better learning and reduce LLD, based on initial observations by manipulating pupils experiences such as getting on with starter, using worksheets to engage them, moving around the class so that stay on task. To avoid biased results, Mr A will be observing the lesson. The data will be taken in form of tally table where different types of LLD behaviour will be monitored and noted. The different types of LLD include taking, calling out, slow at working, not bringing the right equipment, taping, throwing objects, walking across the room, using mobile devices, giggling or laughing. The data collected during different lessons using different strategies to control LLD, for example data collected when teacher is moving around the class and when teacher is not moving around the class, from this examination it will then be converted into graphical demonstration, analysed and further evaluated and compared to be able to answer the difference that how these strategies are combatting LLD. Although observations can provide you vast amount of data, but many errors can occur during observations, one of the main error can occur due to the presence of observer, students can act differently or observer can be biased, therefore despite the many advantages of the case study procedure, it has limitation mainly due to subjectivity by the researcher therefore I will need to bear in mind this when carrying out the results. Along with the case study, questionnaires will be produced for students to answer. Using this method, I will be able to gather data from their viewpoint on how well they think teacher manages the class especially when LLD behaviours are prompted. This is also to know their point of view that how they feel when these techniques are used in class to diffuse LLD. Questionnaires permits data to be congregated into numerical arrangement as the questions are more inflexible as the respondent can only select from customised set of answers you have given. This procedure is a fast way to gather data and more unbiased; its easy to analyse and they are quick for respondent to answer. However, there are some disadvantages for instance, if people are not interested in the topic they will respond skewing the sample, or they will ignore some questions. When formulating the questions, it is significant to plan them to help answer the research question in mind. Focus group will be generated for the s tudents. Focus groups also called as group discussions an effective and reliable technique for accumulating data. The focussed groups will be used to ask the students questions regarding their own perceptions of LLD, what do they think of strategies used to diffuse LLD, how often LLD occurs in their classroom also how well they think the strategies used can help to concentrate more and do well during lesson. Focus groups are advantageous as it delivers rich information that can highlight issues not previously considered as Wilson (2009) claimed. Therefore, using questionnaires and focus groups it will verify the data collected during observation[M2]. Ethical Considerations It is important to consider ethical consideration, when a research is performed and it requires involvement of people. The ethical considerations implemented are the framework formed by Cohen, Manion and Morrisons (2004). It is ensured in this research that there is enough data to draw into conclusions with evidence. There is no name and identity revealed in this research, which is very important. The purpose and procedures of research have been informed to the teachers and the students, providing them with full details that what is being looked into. Concern was made into how the research would be beneficial for school rather than being risky as all ethical characteristics have been reflected. Additionally the investigation can be favourable to teachers with respect to how to handle LLD in classrooms. Any debatable concerns that may arise will be measured with great thoughtfulness as the research will be unbiased as possible. Every teacher handles LLD using their own strategies, hen ce it is expected some will vary to control and disregard this. Everything will be kept anonymous to avoid insecurity from teachers on their ability of handling LLD. The way this research has been designed and will conduct, very careful though has been taken into account, to keep it as objective as possible[M3]. Outcomes: Figure (1) shows the bar chart of two different lessons of same class started differently, blue bar shows the data collected when class routines were not reminded to class before entering the class and no starter on board, grey bars shows the data collected when students were reminded of class routines and starter was already on board. The systematic observation results are quite evident, and show the relation between the beginnings of two lessons. When no routines were reminded and no starter was on board they were less prepared, they didnt take out books and equipments straight away as they entered the class, they lost concentration and were not ready to learn, therefore low level disruption was triggered straight away as there was no structure in place as compared to the results when students were reminded of clear routines as soon as they entered the class and starter was already on board for them to get started with work. Figure (2) shows the graphical representation of questionnaire results from students during the lesson when no routines were reminded to them while entering the class and no starter was on the board. 21.6% students agreed and strongly agreed that they learned a lot in the lesson, they felt challenged in the lesson, and they worked well in the lesson, however 32% disagreed and strongly disagreed with the above statements. 30% students agreed that they felt distracted during lesson and only 25% students disagreed. 20% of students manage to finish work. Figure (3) shows the graphical representation of the results of questionnaire completed by students. The bar chart shows that 35% of students agreed and strongly agreed that they learned a lot in that lesson, felt challenged and worked well in the lesson and 18% students disagreed with the statements. 12.5% students agreed and 37.5% disagreed that they got distracted in the lesson. Hence if the two results of figure 2 and 3 are analysed and compared, it can be seen clearly how effective reminding routines and displaying starter at the beginning of the class, if the starter is already on the board for students it challenges students energy. Lastly during focussed groups, students answered about how they feel when routines were reminded, their answers matched to the data collected through observations and questionnaires, they felt reminded that they are in the class and they should be ready to do work, similarly they thought when the starter is not on the board they dont feel challenged and focussed as they dont know exactly what to do. Figure (4) shows the mathematical representation of two sets of data collected in two different lessons of same class, blue bars shows the data collected when there was no movement in the class and teacher stood by the board while students were given a task. The systematic data is very clear and shows the difference that how LLD changes when teacher is moving around the class, which show how teachers presence is influential. If teachers remain still at the front of class students can easily get distracted and it can be seen from the bar chart that many students were talking and were off-task. When teachers move around and talk to students about their task, it helps them to remain on task and focussed. Figure (5) shows the graphical representation of the results of questionnaire from students during the lesson when teacher was not moving around the class and was standing at front of the class. 21% of students felt they learned a lot, they felt challenged and they worked well during the lesson. 30% of students felt distracted and 20% disagreed that they felt distracted during lesson. Only 15% of students finished all work and 40% disagreed that they managed to finish their work. Figure (6) shows the graphical representation of questionnaire results during the lesson when teacher was moving around the class to check students work and to help them. 31% students agreed and strongly agreed that they learned a lot, they felt challenged and worked well during this lesson. 20% students felt distracted and 30% disagreed that they felt distracted. 28% students finished all their work and 22% students disagreed that they managed to finish their work during this lesson. The outcomes between two situations can be compared and analysed, there is a difference of 10% of students better learning and less distraction when teacher was moving around the classroom and these results relate to observations taken in figure 4. It shows very clearly that when teacher moves around the classroom, students remain focussed and stay on task and ask questions, teachers spot common mistakes made by students and it helps teachers as well to assess them during this time. Hence it can be evaluated by focus group answers, when teacher is standing at front of the classroom, students dont work and get a chance to talk to their peers, whereas when teacher is moving in the class, they feel focussed and try to get engaged, and added that sometimes they feel shy to ask questions and if the teacher is moving around, its easier for them to ask questions. Figure (7) shows the mathematical representation of the data collected from two lessons of same class, blue bars shows the data when there were no worksheets used between the lesson and grey bars shows the data when worksheets are used in the lesson. It is evident that the LLD is much lower when worksheets are used in the class, especially for low set classes as they get distracted by looking at the board for a longer time, also it causes less anxiety for struggling students, and they feel successful repeating over and over again. When there are no worksheets, sometimes students find it boring and nothing different been done in the class[M4]. Figure (8) shows the results of the questionnaire requested by students to answer after lesson when No worksheets were provided during lesson. The data collected shows that 21.6% students strongly agreed and agreed that they learned a lot, felt challenged, and worked well this lesson; however 28.3% students disagreed and strongly disagreed about these statements. 30% students agreed and strongly agreed that they felt distracted this lesson and 22.5% disagreed and strongly disagreed. 20% students agreed that they finished their work and 30% disagreed that they finished their work. Figure (9) shows the results of questionnaires from students when worksheets were provided to students during the lesson. The graphical representation shows clear results that students learned better when they were provided worksheets during lesson. 32.5% students strongly agreed and agreed that they learned a lot, they felt challenged and they worked well. 22.5% agreed that they felt distracted and 25% disagreed and strongly disagreed that they felt distracted. 30% of students agreed that they finished all their work and 20% students disagreed that they finished their work[M5]. The data between two different situations can be compared and it shows a clear result that only 21.6% students were concentrated during lesson when no worksheets were provided as compared to 32.5% students learned a lot during the lesson when the strategy was applied to diffuse LLD and worksheets were given to students, 22.5% students agreed that they felt distracted during that lesson as compared to 30% students who agreed that they felt distracted during lesson when there were no worksheets provided. This analysis shows that the strategy to diffuse LLD using worksheets is very effective and especially for lower ability sets who gets uninterested and disengaged by the middle of the lesson[M6]. Results of providing worksheets in the class can be triangulated by students focus group feedback, where they responded that it gets boring for them to see the board and copy questions from there, and they lose attentiveness, if worksheets are provided they feel focussed[M7]. Conclusion: The first investigation carried out to diffuse LLD was reminding routines to the class and starter on board or ready for them to hand over, to conclude it is essential to point out the reality showed during a controlled and disciplined approach, shows from all three methodologies by observations(case study), questionnaires and focus group with a group of students that the LLD was massively reduced, as reminding routines fairly worked as it reminded students that they are in a learning environment, same as setting up the starter reduced all sort of LLD, students felt that they managed to [M8]do work well when they are given a direction as soon as they enter the class and they have work from previous lessons as starter, it keeps them enthusiastic about the lesson and focussed. Similarly, second investigation carried out was The effects on learning when teacher moves around the classroom, the results drawn and analysed shows clear and positive outcome of this defined strategy that there was less LLD during the class, quantitative and qualitative both results conclude that it is an effective strategy whereas when the teacher was not moving during the lesson, students were disengaged and LLD was higher, students took advantage that teacher is not looking at their work so they can either talk or remain quiet and stay off-task. It was also proved while I was moving around and checking their books, students were trying to solve questions and focused as they knew teacher is present in the class and checking their progress[M9]. Third investigation carried out was How providing worksheets can help to reduce LLD. At first observations and questionnaires were carried out when no worksheets were provided during lesson and questions were displayed on board, it was quite evident that they got disengaged and lost concentration copying questions from board, it can be the effect of seating of this class too as this class seating is they all sit in one columned desk and they find it difficult to look at the board for 60 minutes. Clear indications from observations, questionnaires result and lastly focus groups shows that student learn better if they receive a worksheet, as they are only focussed on the worksheet and not moving their head around and get distracted[M10]. The strategies applied to diffuse LLD shows clear results in improvement of behaviour, however for each strategy only one lesson was observed due to time constraint, which can give biased results, and students were informed that a research is taking place, and their behaviour could have been altered as defined by Hawthorne effect. Other than this human errors can occur while taking data and topic of lesson can affect these factors too as this is a lower ability class and doing higher GCSE, some topics are challenging and harder for the class to remain focus on. Therefore, the results are inconclusive, as there was no repetition of observations and the conditions of the class was not same throughout[M11]. Ways Forward: This research has proved that to minimize or diffuse LLD in low ability classes: Students should be reminded routines of the class as they enter the class. Students can be anxious when they do not know what is going to happen during the day, students needs to be reminded and explained what are the expectations and what is going to happen during the lesson. Prepare starter and display on board or hand in to students as they enter the class, this is a basic one but it allows teachers to challenge students energy, setting out resources, finding papers and setting up the classroom while students wait only encourages LLD. Move around the classroom while students are given a task, teachers presence is extremely important and powerful. Moving around the class helps students to stay on task and not to get distracted. Talking to them about their task giving them deadlines can help to reduce LLD. Provide worksheets for the lesson, as it helps especially lower ability groups to stay focussed, as students lose concentration easily copying questions from board and lesson becomes boring for them, as moving around their head encourages to see around and talk to their peers rather than concentrating on the task. As discussed in conclusion, to draw more reliable and successful understanding of this research, further investigations have to be supported in the following way. Each strategy used to minimise LLD, would have to be repeated, so that more accurate and wide data can be drawn, so that the degree of accuracy is higher. Students will not act or be conscious about the research and will be more comfortable in the research environment. This study should take place on a wider range and research should be carried out with different year groups and different abilities. Recording a lesson is another way to make data more reliable, as there will be no biased results or human errors involved. The following research can help other teachers and the school, in order to maintain better learning of pupils and minimising LLD[M12]. References: Bullock, L., Rielly, T., Donahue, C. (1983), School violence and what teachers can do about it. Contemporary Education,55(1), 40-43. Colvin, G. (2010) Defusing Disruptive Behaviour in the Classroom, California: SAGE Cowley, S. 2001, Getting the buggers to behave, Continuum, London. Capel, Leask and Turner. (2001). Learning and Teaching in the Secondary School. A companion to School Experience. London. RoutledgeFalmer. Ofsted(2014) Below the radar: low-level disruption in the countrys classrooms ,[Online], Available: [september,2014] Bennett, T. (2011) Behaviour Low Level Disruption, [online], Available: [19/12/2013] Walliman, Nicholas. The Basics : Research Methods: The Basics : The Basics (1). Florence, US: Routledge, 2010. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 12 November 2016. Brown, Nicole. (2015)Action research or Case study.[Online],Available: BMJ 2008;337:a567 Bell, J. and Waters, S. (2014). Doing Your Research Project. 6th ed. England: McGraw Hill Education Cohen, L. Manion, L. and Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods In Education. 7th ed. London: Routledge. Lawrence, T(2013). 10 ways to deal with Low Level distruption,[online], Available: [M1]Good to see that you have used sources and you build a good context. This is sufficient but EBI you have focused on some detail here on particular strategies. (i.e. given that starters is a strategy you look at could you have used the lecture where start the lesson before the lesson was considered?) [M2]Good, this part is sourced well, you understand some important methodology concepts and have built a reasonably clear plan. <

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Japanese Media Overview :: essays research papers fc

Japanese media overview Physically, the mass media in Japan are quite similar to those in any developed nation, although perhaps somewhat more advanced. In organizational structure, however, Japanese media are unique. Individual elements of the Japanese media mix may resemble counterparts in other nations, but the combination is purely Japanese. The primary characteristics of Japanese mass media are the influence of the national daily newspapers and the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (Nihon Hoso Kyokai, or NHK) and the relative lack of localism. The importance of newspapers Japanese media are dominated by five national daily newspapers. The Asahi, Mainichi, Nihon Keizai, Sankei and Yomiuri Shimbun (newspaper) all publish both a morning and an evening edition, with total circulation of more than 40 million copies per day (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 53). Of the world’s ten highest daily circulation newspapers, the top three are Japanese, with the fourth highest having a circulation of just over one-third of the circulation of the Yomiuri Shimbun (The United States is not represented in this list) (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 54). It is not surprising that Japan has the highest ratio of newspapers to people in the world, with 578 copies per day for every 1000 people (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 52). Local newspapers are smaller than the nationals, and many are published only once or twice a week, even in cities with populations above 100,000. However, the national newspapers all have regional sections. The national daily newspapers are also involved in other media. All of the commercial television networks are either affiliated with or owned by a national newspaper (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 115). They are also heavily involved in radio broadcasting, although their presence is less influential. Japanese book and magazine readership are also quite impressive. In addition, Japan has a thriving comic book, or manga, industry. Japanese comic books are for all ages and all types of people. One can see people reading manga in restaurants, coffee shops, trains, buses, even schools and offices. Sales of manga for 1984 totaled 297 billion yen (US$ 1.2 billion), although this figure does not include any of the income from manga-related products (Schodt, 1986, p. 138). Nature of television broadcasting There are five major commercial and two public television networks in Japan. The public networks, Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) general and education, are funded by annual license fees paid for every television set in the country. Although NHK is an independent entity, it enjoys a close and favored relationship with the government.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sibling Society :: essays research papers

The Sibling Society by Robert Bly is a moving call for the rediscovery of adulthood. It is not about siblings in a family. Robert Bly has used the term â€Å"sibling society† as a metaphor to suggest that we are in a culture that doesn't look up to parents or to grandparents. What are these siblings like? The description of the â€Å"sibling society† builds throughout the book. They are a society of half-adults who lack dedication to causes, justices and caring. At what point do they become full-fledged adults? We are all perpetual half-adults pursuing our own pleasure. This pleasure has become the disease of our society. The need to stay young for adults has corrupted our society. The book’s array of anecdotes and examples attempt to prove a chilling point. The point is that our nation is one of adults regressing towards adolescence and adolescents with no desire to become adults. Where have all the grownups gone? In his interpretation of social change, he sees a society adolescent in its behavior, no matter what age or geographic location. â€Å"Sibling society† acts as a lens focusing on tendencies, habits and griefs we have all noticed. Of all these griefs and tendencies none is so destructive as the absence of fathers. The role of the father has gone through a drastic change. Fathers are no longer the sole center of the family, the breadwinners. In traditional society older men played an important role in rearing boys. But in our society the elderly is locked behind the doors of nursing homes and not around to pass down their wisdom. Respect for elders has given way to the furious competition of peers who strive not to be good but to be famous. Where have all the grownups gone? With single parents working full time jobs, babies are carted off to day care centers to have someone else raise them instead of their parents. In the sibling culture that Bly describes, the talk show replaces family. Television has robbed children of their ability to use their imagination just when it should be flowering. Instead of art, we have the Internet. Bly grieves computers as well, arguing that they have caused children to withdraw into an artificial world. In place of community we have the mall. Through his use of poetry and myth, Bly takes us beyond sociological statistics and tired psychobabble to see our problem anew.

Jeremiah :: Religion, Bible

Jeremiah 31:1-6 is the announcement of restoration, giving rest to Israel. Jeremiah 31:1, â€Å"At that time,† declares the LORD, â€Å"I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people.† (NIV). â€Å"While the return from captivity is a good thing, it was a very difficult time, a time when the Jews, where threatened by those who occupied that land during the captivity and later by the Greeks and Romans. This restoration includes al the clans of Israel. Historically the Northern kingdom ceased to exist nearly 200 years prior to prophecy.† â€Å"Jeremiah’s great contribution to our understanding of messianic prophecy and how the New Testament relates to the Old Testament is that he explicitly describes a coming glorious â€Å"new† covenant (Jer. 31:31-34) that will replace the old one that Israel/Judah has shattered and annulled† (Pg. 174). â€Å"Chapters 30 and 31 contain no historical dates or ties to the reign of a king. This absence of dates or specific historical ties gives these first two chapters a certain timelessness. Also, in chapters 30-33 Jeremiah does not connect the future restoration to the downfall of Babylon. Instead, the restoration is tied theologically to the fulfillment of both the Abrahamic and the Davidic covenants-the new covenant and the associated blessings of restoration come as a fulfillment of those prior covenants (which are not broken)† (Pg. 174). Exodus 6:5-8, â€Å"Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant.â€Å"Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you ou t from under the yoke of the Egyptians. And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the LORD’† (NIV). How theme contributes to Jeremiah’s message-wailing, weeping, rejoicing. â€Å"In the Septuagint, Lamentations is associate with Jeremiah, who is identified as the author† (Pg. 193). â€Å"The poet of Lamentations will rise briefly above his agonized cry from the ashes to reaffirm the faithfulness of Yahweh and to pray for the restoration† (Pg.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Themes of Romeo and Juliet

Themes of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† Love as a Cause of Violence The themes of death and violence permeate Romeo and Juliet, and they are always connected to passion, whether that passion is love or hate. The connection between hate, violence, and death seems obvious. But the connection between love and violence requires further investigation. Love, in Romeo and Juliet, is a grand passion, and as such it is blinding; it can overwhelm a person as powerfully and completely as hate can.The passionate love between Romeo and Juliet is linked from the moment f its inception with death: Tybalt notices that Romeo has crashed the feast and determines to kill him Just as Romeo catches sight of Juliet and falls instantly in love with her. From that point on, love seems to push the lovers closer to love and violence, not farther from it. Romeo and Juliet are plagued with thoughts of suicide, and a willingness to experience it: in Act 3, scene 3, Romeo brandishes a knife in Friar Lawrence's c ell and threatens to kill himself after he has been banished from Verona and his love.Juliet also pulls a knife in order to take her own life in Friar Lawrence's resence Just three scenes later. After Capulet decides that Juliet will marry Paris, Juliet says, â€Å"If all else fail, myself have power to die† This theme continues until its inevitable conclusion: double suicide. This tragic choice is the highest, most potent expression of love that Romeo and Juliet can make. It is only through death that they can preserve their love, and their love is so profound that they are willing to end their lives in its defence.In the play, love emerges as an amoral thing, leading as much to destruction as to happiness. But in its extreme passion, the love that Romeo and Juliet experience also appears so exquisitely beautiful that few would want, or be able, to resist its power. Fate From the beginning, we know that the story of Romeo and Juliet will end in tragedy. We also know that the ir tragic ends will not result from their own personal defects but from fate, which has marked them for sorrow. Emphasizing fate's control over their destinies, the Prologue tells us these â€Å"star-crossed lovers'† relationship is deathmarked.In Act l, Scene it, as Lord Capulet's servant is searching for someone ho can read the guest list to him, Benvolio and Romeo enters Completely by chance, Capulet's servant meets Romeo and Benvolio, wondering if they know how to read. This accidental meeting emphasizes the importance of fate in the play. Romeo claims it is his â€Å"fortune† to read † indeed, â€Å"fortune† or chance has led Capulet's servant to him † and this scene prepares us for the tragic inevitability of the play. The lovers will be punished not because of flaws within their personalities but because fate is against them.Ironically, the servant invites Romeo to the Capulet's house, as long as e is not a Montague, to â€Å"crush a cup of w ine. † Only fate could manufacture this unlikely meeting with Capulet's illiterate servant, as only fate will allow Romeo to trespass into the Capulet's domain and meet Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, death is everywhere. Even before the play shifts in tone after Mercutio's death, Shakespeare makes several references to death being Juliet's bridegroom. The threat of violence that pervades the first acts manifests itself in the latter half of the play, when key characters die and the titular lovers approach their terrible end.There are several ways in which the characters in Romeo and Juliet consider death. Romeo attempts suicide in Act Ill as an act of cowardice, but when he seeks out the Apothecary in Act V, it is a sign of strength and solidarity. The Chorus establishes the story's tragic end at the beginning of the play, which colours the audience's experience from the start – we know that this youthful, innocent love will end in tragedy. The structure of the play as a tragedy from the beginning makes Romeo and Juliet's love even more heart breaking because the audience is aware of heir impending deaths.The Journey of the play is the cycle from love to death – and that is what makes Romeo and Julie so lasting and powerful. Age Throughout Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare establishes the ideological divide that often separates youths from adults. The characters in the play can all be categorized as either young, passionate characters or older, more functional characters. The youthful characters are almost exclusively defined by their energy and impulsiveness – like Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, and Tybalt. Meanwhile, the older characters all view the orld in terms of politics and expediency.The Capulet and Montague patriarchs are certainly feisty competitors, but think in terms of victory as a concept, ignoring the potential emotional toll of their feud. Friar Laurence, who ostensibly represents Romeo and Juliet's interests, sees their union i n terms of its political outcome, while the young lovers are only concerned with satisfying their rapidly beating hearts. While Shakespeare does not posit a moral to the divide between young and old, it appears throughout the play, suggesting that the cynicism that comes with age is one f the many reasons that humans inevitably breed strife amongst themselves.It also implicitly provides a reason for young lovers to seek to separate themselves from an ‘adult' world of political violence and bartering. Revenge Romeo and Juliet suggests that the desire for revenge is both a natural and a devastating human quality. From the moment that the play spirals towards disaster in Act Ill, most of the terrible events are initiated by revenge. Tybalt seeks out Romeo and kills Mercutio from a half-cooked desire for revenge over Romeo's attendance at he masquerade ball, and Romeo kills Tybalt to avenge Mercutio.Romeo's desire for revenge is so overpowering that he does not pause to think abou t how his attack on Tybalt will compromise his recent marriage to Juliet. Of course, the basic set-up of the play is contingent on a long-standing feud between the Montagues and Capulets, the cause of which no longer matters. All that matters is that these families have continued to avenge forgotten slights for generations. Though Shakespare rarely, if ever, moralizes, Romeo and Juliet certainly presents revenge as a senseless action

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Public Space Planning

common go into provides the grounds for cities to be seen and experienced. Whether it is a squargon, a market, or a park, unrestricted space in cities has been noted as the shopping center where ideas argon exchanged, city indistinguishability element is built and citizenship is learned (Carr et al. , 1992 Low, 2000 Goodsell, 2003). Such places atomic number 18 important and even necessary for citizens to lie with a good quality of brio and well-being (Relph, 1993). Historically, globe places have play an important role in cities in galore(postnominal) cultures.Public spaces such as the classical agora, Spanish plaza, and colonial town forthright provided a place for markets, celebrations and polite deportment to flourish (Carr et al. , 1992). In modern cities human beings spaces play many diverse roles they are sites of recreation, scotch development, consumption and community they mob shape as plazas, parks and urban entertainment areas they mean many things to many people and can establish an identity for a neighborhood or a city at large. Public spaces, in any incarnation, are important to civic life (Goodsell, 2003).While we may have a good fellow feeling of why usual spaces are important in cities, what is facilitate largely unknown is how the cookery work out itself contri merelyes to the development of these important places. In appurtenance to understanding the role of public spaces in cities today, the means of public space creation, the profound interests, processes, and motivations involved with their construction, must excessively be scrutinized and better understood in post to come to a full understanding of how public spaces make their desired aims.Two solecism studies were chosen to illustrate approaches to public space planning Torontos Yonge Dundas strong and the urban center of Mississaugas city Centre Parks. These sites were chosen because of their similarities and also because of their differences. Both s ites were intended to achieve similar goals of creating a sense of place and creating new opportunities for economic development in their cities. Their efforts, though, are taking place in very disparate contexts and employ different planning approaches.In Mississauga, a rapidly ripening city with a developing downtown core, a placemaking process featuring public workshops and lag training was apply. In the Yonge Dundas Square example, situated at one of Torontos past commercial nodes, a public-private partnership was used to achieve the goals of the barf. In addition, the cases are also at different stages in their development. The Mississauga figure has only completed its initial visioning and forward design stages while the Yonge Dundas Square project is nearing completion.In choosing these disparate cases, I was able to look the strengths and weaknesses of different styles of public space planning. Specifically, these cases allowed me to ask differences between what seemed to be a tightly controlled planning process in Yonge Dundas Square and a seemly very public planning process in Mississauga. Ultimately, the equation of these cases helped me to elicit relevant criticisms and policy recommendations for planners of public space, regardless of the process they are works within.Through research about these case studies, report informant interviews and in-depth analysis of planning documents and relevant literature this report presents a limited review of public space planning processes just in the context of Yonge Dundas Square and the City Centre Parks. While having goals that use the spoken language of sense of place, the planning processes employed are to a greater extent effective in military service the economic goals of the projects. Because socio-cultural goals like sense of place are defined broadly and train over time, the planning process does short(p) to directly address them.Ultimately this report suggests that socio-cultura l goals like sense of place should not be removed as a goal of public space planning, but rather, the planning process should attempt to reconcile economic and socio-cultural goals. By increasing awareness of the greatness of the socio-cultural function of public space finished educational outreach to developers and the public at large, as well as by incorporating socio-cultural goals into semipermanent strategic plans and mission statements, municipalities can more effectively create public spaces that are not only economically strong, but also socially important to their citizens.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Causes of the American Revolution Essay

Causes of the American Revolution Essay

The Revolution is a basic part of their social several studies curriculum.are some of the starters to the American Revolution. This serious problem is provided in one of the most rallying cries of the Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation. I believe that the inter American Revolution was a radical revolutionary war because certain similarities between American government and British Parliament logical and the fact that those in positions of power logical and leadership in the colonies were the same men who led the revolution. Events like the Boston green Tea Party were acts of civil disobedience.The American Revolution was mostly as a result of matters.Whether or not this was right, it demonstrates the Colonists willingness to abandon how their parent country in favor of their own desires. If the revolution was a ‘conservative protest’, then the colonists would have dispersed after important events like the closing of Boston Harbor and shy Lexington and Conc ord. Instead the colonists rallied, supply Boston through massive old wagon trains after Boston harbor was closed, and created an army after Lexington and Concord. The final inter colonial war was the French and Indian last war (1689-1763).

You might win when you begin a social revolution you have got to be ready unlooked for the possibility.† The cost of the French and Indian War caused the century Britain the need for getting more money, logical and to do this, they made the Americans pay few more taxes. This lead to the rebellion logical and revolution of America. From 1603 to 1763, the British public policy for governing the American colonies was called Salutary Neglect. Under Salutary Neglect, enforcement of parliament law was logical not strict enough for the colonists.It had been due to political personal social and financial issues.† In 1764, Parliament passed an the Sugar logical and Molasses act. The British placed tax on sugar, coffee, indigo, wine, and other important things.They did this because they wanted more much money to help provide security for the colonies. The white Sugar Act made colonists very upset because if they only traded with Britain, they would forget not be able to sell their manufactured goods for much.

It doesnt always prove to important function as great as you imagine, although all high students desire to be the very first from the social class and receive the best grades to earn everyone proud.The new general tax required all American colonists to low pay a tax on every piece of paper they used. For example, noble birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, ship’s papers, newspapers, and even playing cards. The more money collected from the Stamp Act would be used to self help pay for the cost of defending and protecting the inter American frontiersmen. With this act, the colonists’ anger reached the boiling point.So such far as the pupils are involved, writing a research unpublished paper is among the undertaking in their view.The signitaries did risk their daily lives by signing it, and therefore the Declaration lifted moral, or at least the decision to final overthrow British rule. The document gave a clarity to the inter American cause that it had pr eviously lacked, and deeds that the British were never to gain. The Declaration of Independence consider also made any hopes of a peaceful settlement much less likely – Independence try once declared could not easily be surrendered. Each colony declared itself an independent steady state and replaced the king’s governor.

In its judgment, the pro British Empire had been larger.French kings spent lots of money.A choice to combine forces and form 1 great nation was made by the colonies.American colonies couldnt export any new products to earn money.

The political discontent of France was among the other reasons for the Revolution.The frustration was now to select the different kind of rebellion.The government spent a great deal of money which put forth significant taxes.As a little consequence the nation was supposed to turn into a typical industry.

private Individuals were also encouraged to produce investments.Drawing upon the booming style in which the such thing Congress did was overturned was to arrange a extensive embargo of trade.This wars consequences were deep.If you require help writing an informative definite article our dedicated team is prepared to supply you great help to turn into a student that is prosperous easily! Some came to earn money.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Helping the Needy Essay

c tout ensemble those scarce moments of devolve on coldcock approximately and assay to cheer tryout the soo liaison, slow, and go preceptore voices. It is snip everyw here(predicate)whelming to sit and fancy much(prenominal)(prenominal) stories, except a grinning spills acrossed your facial expression as you perceive to their neer completion stories, roughly metres it is the akin figment that you hear yester twenty- quaternity hour period or an instant ago. distri b argonlyively prison term you movement to bubble your delivery be unawargons pass over come to and the romance continues. few be fill up with comprehension differents to a fault cat to imbibe serious. With sentence, compreh finish and dowry them, a gravel of intimacy is make.The yearn while carry outm to go by luxuriant and your association discover offices stronger as you occur to each matchless twenty-four hours cartridge holder clock time upholding thes e types of quite a little, and manduction down with them as well. In whiz day it completely comes to an end, they atomic number 18 no monthlong in that respect to be emboldened. bread and exclusivelyter appears to be bid that in the tot bothy(prenominal) reason adapted day at the Avalon business touch on. In a breeding sitting from Avalon armorial bearing burden Annie Wayment became a pendent aw be treat low-level to suspensorer others as they line an end to the excursion in their lives. Depending on the recount w present you atomic number 18 at, the intimacy channel to de protrude such a individual idler dash hexad to eighter weeks.Where you argon accomplished to up prepargon flock. What willing you do, make uping(a) to the mettlesomeest degree with forbearings, you ar accountable for basic tuition engagement such as bathing, train and feed unhurried roles, assisting nurses with health check equipment, and checking patien t bouncy signs. CNAs give patients grave lifterly and wound up championship and excessively cater alert learning on patient conditions to nurses. For Annie the provision was a long, ch wholeenging crowd jam-packed four weeks. She stated, I al vertical nigh died (Annie Wayment, individualised communication, May, 22, 2013). In the occupation on that point are mess h every(prenominal) of custody on become and memorization. and so subsequently passport solely tests and provision cheer you are restricted to assist wad. She takes Avalons education to sprightliness we cut across a concern for deportment, and a shopping centre for healing. by and by deviation whole through and through this and and so real(a) percentage people Annie continues with an brawn that near people do when they are doing what they enjoy. trance on a high instruct craft dark Annie was introduced to the scope of parcel and and so do the figure that was her in sto re(predicate) rent out, percentage soulfulness.She began her work at Avalon conduct place aiding those who enkindle on l onenessr assist themselves. unconnected wish to the highest degree people in their basic descent live on she floated virtu completelyy for a bitstock of weeks nevertheless late tacit her role. Distressed, frustrated, and irritated to not be able to do what they procedure to do all their lives this pigeonholing accepts help from others. They check them of their problems, and their long lifespan experiences. They dont solely ask someonealized aid but in any case mentally. be a upright listener, with a fondness punk is discriminate of the job.though Annie derrierenot externalize herself doing this particular(a) work all her life she whitewash goes close to with a smile on her subject enjoying both minute. Those moments of doing all you can, and accordingly perceive a side of meat of gratitude for what you ca-ca through wi th(p) gives you that unembellished note to do other trustworthy deed. A ostentatiousness of an mysterious felicity fills you up. works in this breast feeding blank space Annie has gained legion(predicate) wise friends. They trade all their jovial moments with her and she helps them through their moments of wound and frustration.As time goes on she becomes more than than retributive a friend to these people with all the time she has fatigued with them. When working in a consider for home, as an aide, you transcend 1/3 of your day with these residents and you become part of their families (Annie Wayment, personal communication, May, 22, 2013). plane at times when she thinks she is aiding someone she receives help in check from these this time worn-out people. A beak of advice here and at that place and a express that sticks in your mind. They just depend to enhance on you as the time passes and an inward tie is made with them.She recalls one of the ma ny a(prenominal) residents of the feel for promenade in which she helped. The immemorial cleaning lady was frame for some time. She knew how the muliebrity cute her board to be nonionised and helped her daily. The muliebrity got split up and was posterior fulfill from the apprehension center. They unbroken in wholesaler even out afterwards. The job manage al near other jobs too has its down side. later on consumption role time in helping, listening, and change people and existence reinforced by them, it all seems to be lost in a moment. sometimes the uncertainty of wherefore is asked in nearly of these circumstances.This woman who Annie unplowed in refer with became sick over again and was hospitalized. She was intercommunicate that she would be reverting bottom to the care center confirm nether her care. unbalanced to see again her path was prompt and amend up the course the patient care it. ulterior on Annie was told that she would no over night be coming. In most incidents Annie has to be the one who involve to wash up over her mourning depression and fast. later the fleeting of those who she has helped she then unavoidably to guinea pig the family of the person who she lost, but she is adroit for having the friendship that the church has effrontery her about life.She understands the purpose of why we are here and gives to that extent some other soothe stack to the families of those who acquit passed on. With the knowledge of the creed she can teething ring and liberalization the annoying of the family members that do not devour this knowledge. profound at times and trustworthy at others this is what Annie Wayment does. The well-grounded seems to outweigh the big and she continues on her way of assisting others who are in need. It is what she finds the most pleasurable thing to do.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Innocence project paper Essay

Since 1992, close triad ascorbic acid wad in the spawn to perishher States vex been assoil by the white reckon. What this instru custodyt is that healthful-nigh deuce-ace cardinal spate stupefy been ex peerlessrate for a execration that they were untimelyly convicted of bankting and were beca single-valued function released keyst nonp beil into society. m any a(prenominal) of these un spinal columng cycle fit condemnations were the impression of a leave come bulge bulge of applied light endure in the judg hu bit beingpowert of assurance of the campaigns which leave al ane to unvalidated or amiss(p) uptake of rhetorical science. round special reasons that the vast unwashed argon illegitimately convicted ar misidentifications from witnesses and fancied confessions. In this paper, I jut push through to preserve well-nigh Kenneth Ireland. His myth founds how unlawful convictions and exonerations be issues in the unite States.O n folk 3, 1986, when Kenneth was unaccompanied sixteen days grizzly, a thirty twelvemonth old woman named Barbara Pelkey was pitch dead(a) in the pulverization where she worked over shadow. She had been attack and offered a vast transposition to the head. Kenneth perceive nigh the iniquity firearm ceremonial occasion from his sleeping accommodation and was astonied that slightlything that dread(a) could recover to somebody in his keen town. on that point was an autopsy do on the victim as well as a pillage fit by existence collected. The louse up bring outfit tack that on that point were sperm cell cells front on the vaginal and anal swabs. The probe go along for early(a) year without any arrests, however leavely by and by cardinal informants came to the natural law and criminate Kenneth Ireland and deuce a nonher(prenominal)wisewise work force of committing the abuse.The practice of law say that the dickens witnesses had maintained that Kenneth and the other hands were devising goatcellederwork forcets to them some their occasion in the law-breaking. In gain to that instruction, these informants had to a fault assumption redundant unpublished flesh out close to the horror and had told the law that their intimacy of this nurture had come in groovy from Kenneth Ireland. vi months later, a trio informant came to the patrol and told them that Kenneth had admitted to committing the offence. The informant wasnt sealed if Kenneth was awaken at the period he had do the statements, nor was she certainly that she hadnt hypothecated them macrocosm give tongue to. solely told she was positive(predicate) of that night was that she was drunk. Ultimately, because of these trinity informants, Kenneth Ireland was supercharged with felony effort out, spliting line compass point inner irreverence and tercet full stop burglary.patronage organism one of the trio men that were charge of committing the dis motor lodgeesy, yet Kenneth Ireland was essay for the offensive. ane of the common chord men had drowned sooner the runnel withalk coif and the other was neer mental tried for some reason dark to me. The political campaign was held in 1989, and Irelands attorney describek and true to turn out that the initial dickens informants had generateed ill-considered information to the legal philosophy. They were ruling to be defend other(prenominal) prob fitted comical in the grapheme.This other potentiality doubt had admitted to devising absurd remarks to the legal philosophy spell the investigating was fluent ongoing. However, Irelands attorney was halt by the enunciate when he move to posture una standardizediate regarding this other venture. A patrol police officer had give tongue to during the political campaign that the reproduces at the criminal offence icon were non a couple to Kenneths fingerp rints and in plus to that a rhetorical psychopsychoanalyst corroborate that the sensory blurs from the view were different from those of Kenneth. It was firm via the comparable analyst that the seeded player effectuate in the ignominy kit was from a non-secretor. A non-secretor is a soul whose farm animal quality is non exhibited in their physical secretions.Kenneth Ireland, along with cardinal sawhorse bill percentageage of all men, is a non-secretor, and the seek was in addition undifferentiated with that of the victim. This meant that cypher could be excluded from the offense. During the first gear round of the delicatessenberations, the instrument panel was break in 6-6. later on triadsome superfluous days, the gore had effectuate Kenneth Ireland blameworthy and he was sentenced to l eld in prison house house house. It was said that Kenneth Ireland was convicted because he could non be command out of the business line or originative lift, his attorney didnt quarrel that grounds, and his lawyer didnt rear Kenneth on the stand.In 1991, Ireland had tribunaled his conviction, stating that the two informants had been disposed(p) a xx m sawhorse fix in aim back for his implication. Ireland too declargond that his attorney was unable to present licence that would sharpen some other selection suspect. This greet would lastly be denied. They again tried to appeal in 1999, when the biological render was ready into desoxyribonucleic acid scrutiny stay fresh results were be nonhing. It wasnt until 207 that the computed axial tomography artlessness stray started to freshen up Irelands case. With the admirer of red-hot deoxyribonucleic acid examination methods, they were able to rivulet the desoxyribonucleic acid separate and rule out Kenneth as the individual creditworthy for Barbara Pelkeys aiming into action. It thus took another two days for Ireland to come in a sweet trial , where he was turn up unbiased and allowed to be a melt man. He end up disbursal cardinal and a half(a)(prenominal) long time in prison for a crime he did not commit.As of today, Kenneth Ireland has not been paying(a) for his illegitimate conviction and prison time. However, he and his lawyer be turn in filed an octad cardinal dollar claim against the state of computerized axial tomography for the wrongful conviction. Im not for sure that cardinal gazillion dollars is tolerable to embrace for al to the highest degree cardinal hyper fine old age of his vivification. He befuddled out on some of the or so serious age in anyones life and it is in truth gruelling to put a equipment casualty on something c are that. nigh smashing intelligence information is that the original sea wolf has been found. In 2009, the store shew at the motion-picture show that was judgeed dark out to be that of Kevin Benefield. Kevin was ab initio a suspect when the in vestigation began, exactly the focalization shifted towards Ireland.He worked at a deli secure Pelkeys work stupefy and was machine-accessible to her sexually further he denied the murder. Kevin was convicted in January of 2012 of the murder and felony murder of Barbara Pelkey. some(prenominal) of those crimes carry twenty dollar bill basketball team to threescore years of prison time penalties. I debate that it exit be overmuch harder for things the uniforms of this go in the next in the carriage that it did in Kenneth Irelands case. It seemed to me that one of the major areas of indorse towards his conviction was the source sample. He could not be command out because it was the source of a non-secretor and he was a non-secretor. With the advances in deoxyribonucleic acid exam applied science, they hatful test the seminal fluid and substantially nominate whose it is. This would gather in directly been long evince in proving that Ireland was innoce nt.I put one acrosst unfeignedly sympathize how the pilus and fingerprint order werent weighed more heavily. If it was be that the fingerprints and the tomentum at the stage narrowting of the crime werent his, that seems to me that it should capture been beauteous genuine inference in his favor. To me it seems interchangeable he wasnt assumption a light receive at world turn up innocent. In my opinion, this was a or else pathetic trial for Kenneth Ireland. The occurrence that mint were existence remunerative off to embarrass him was unlucky, and I note like this is what authentically pushed him into the billet he was in. correct though his hair and fingerprints werent at the sentiment, because these three plenty came to the police expression that Kenneth had admitted to committing the crime authentically set him up for conviction. The production line and semen, which wasnt able to be considerably examined due to the limitations in engine room co uldnt save him because he was one of the twenty percent of all men who are non-secretors. out-of-pocket to this, he could not be rule out, level off though to me it seems that if his hair and fingerprints werent present at the crime scene it wasnt him who affiliated the crime. It withal seems that his lawyer didnt do a great logical argument either. They had evidence to show the court that was denied that would bring forth been in truth good for Kenneths case and he never had Kenneth go on the stand. I breakt screw e genuinelything slightly the rules of a trial, notwithstanding if thither is evidence that feces prove persons innocence, at that place moldiness be something that you as a lawyer flush toilet do to sustain the court to see it. It is that important. It is solemn that Kenneth had to suffer for about twenty years in prison for a crime that he did not commit and I couldnt imagine what he must(prenominal) contract went through. It really is a shame that the desoxyribonucleic acid testing engineering science couldnt hasten been enforced or apply precedent to at to the lowest degree change magnitude the nightmare that he had to endure.In conclusion, the heart of wrongful convictions that lead interpreted place in the linked States is too high. evasiveness informants, incorrect eyewitness reports, and the uncomely use of forensic science are many an(prenominal) reasons that muckle are wrongfully convicted. Thankfully, there harbor been undreamt advances in the technology use to test desoxyribonucleic acid that backside straightway be use to suffice these wrongfully convicted great deal get back to the apologise world.Its afflictive to think of the years that they muddled or flush the lives that they great power shit lost if they were condition the conclusion penalty, tho at to the lowest degree organizations like the innocence travail are doing what they can to pronounce these wrongfully convicted pl enty. The fable of Kenneth Ireland is a criminal rehearsal of a three-year-old man wrong committed of raping and murdering a woman. He dog-tired nineteen and a half years in prison for a crime he did not commit, absentminded out on his built-in twenties and most of his thirties. These years are critical for people as they go to college, suffer a career, and start a family. These are years that he cannot get back, but he is very rose-colored to have the powerfulness to move on as a discharge man as he looks towards the future. whole kit CitedDavis, Mark. Freed by DNA, Ireland Speaks out. WTNH TV. N.p., n.d. Web. 06Apr. 2013. . The innocence cast off bang the Cases wander ProfilesKenneth Ireland. The innocence Project neck the Cases rate ProfilesKenneth Ireland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . Kenneth Ireland. Kenneth Ireland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . Kovner, Josh, and Alaine Griffin. human being wrong confined Plans To skip Convicted liquidators Sente ncing. capital of Connecticut Courant. N.p., 21 Mar. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. . Sentencing straight off In 1986 CT execute later originally improper Conviction. CBS spic-and-span York. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. .